0 to 10,000 Google Search Clicks (🥳 Organic Traffic)

In this Blog, I’m going to show you how to get 0 to 10,000 Google search clicks and I’ll show you how I did it, okay!

So please do not read this blog if you don’t have domain and website and if you don’t want to earn money from Google AdSense you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to start an online business and if you want a super edited video.

0 to 10,000 Google search clicks and here’s how I did it.

Okay this is exactly what I did now okay one two months back okay 60 days back so I started a new domain and I have wrote articles okay I I just simply created a topical map around a keyword specific keyword okay two keywords categorize very well and wrote the tags and I have written minimum 100 articles okay it took me around you know 10 to 15 days

If you don’t know how to create a topical map I have shown in the video completely how to do it.

So watch it step-by-step.

Thanks for reading this blog.

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