So, You just started a YouTube channel and right now you are constantly thinking about it aren’t you?
How do you get 1000 subscribers fast on YouTube in 3 Months? This is the question almost 90% of people who started their YouTube channels had and even me when I started my YouTube channel, I always wondered about this untill….
I eventually made it.
Right now, as I’m writing this blog I have 2100 Subscribers! And I achieved it in less than 90 Days (3 Months), which makes me the right person to answer your question.
Here’s How to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube in 3 Months
These are same steps which I took, and many of my students took in order to gain subscribers fast!
It might not guarantee you that you will gain it in less than 3 months, but it will eventually get you subs.
Step 1: Niche
Your niche is very important and it is very boring for me to tell you this!
When you niche down and make videos on a specific niche consistently, then you going to gather an audience who are very specifically targeted, and they eventually give data to the YouTube algorithm which further finds similar people to your channel.
Let’s just put it this way, the more consistent data you bring in to YouTube, the better your growth on YouTube is!
Step 2: Upload Consistently
Not more, not less, but upload videos consistently on YouTube.
See YouTube is a long race, at the end of the race it doesn’t matter who started first, or who ran fast, it only matter who stayed in for the long race and finished it and in this situation consistency matter a lot!
Step 3: Thumbnails
You need to master thumbnails, and it is a must!
Simply put that if nobody clicks your video to watch, then how do you even get a chance to judge your video!
You need to have good thumbnails, less clickbait, and clear text or icons!
Step 4: Your First 30 Seconds of Video
It is called AVD, the Average view duration of the video. It is so important that big creators like MrBeast give a lot of thinking about it.
You need people to watch the first 30 seconds of the video without skipping! If you can make people hook to the first 30 seconds of the video, then it sends a good signal to YouTube that your video is good!
It is sign for you that YouTube will push your content more!
That’s it guys, here you go on how to get 1000 subscribers fast on YouTube!