#1 SEO Expert & Ranker for Guaranteed Google Page 1 Rankings | Top SEO Agency Malaysia & Gold Coast

I’ll be your SEO expert to rank you Page on Google.

Here’s the text without new lines:

All right, this is how I rank #1 in less than 24 hours with AI SEO.

So, we’re going to look at highly authoritative sites, and we’re going to look at how to get parasite SEO, which I’m going to talk about in a minute.

If you have a low DR, low authoritative site, low PA, no organic traffic, and no organic keywords, watch this complete video above without skipping any part, as I’m going to talk about a really important thing and the best way to get traffic in less than 24 hours.

Okay, again, your article should be indexed. If you don’t know how to index with fast index API, I’ll leave a link in the description for my YouTube video on how to index fast.

How to Use Rank Math Instant Indexing Using Google Instant Index API

How to Rank Blog Posts Fast on Google

First, you need to write an article on a keyword that is getting consistent traffic.

Again, if your keyword doesn’t have traffic, we cannot do anything. You have to pick a specific keyword that has consistent traffic, not flat.

When I say consistent traffic, the trend should be like this. You can go to Google Trends and see all the trending graphs. Once you write an article, submit it to fast index API. Again, if you don’t know, the link will be in the description.

Submit it to fast index API. Once you submit it, take that similar content and go to high-authority sites. So, what are high authority sites? If you ask me, Raj, what are high authority sites? We have Medium, Blogger (which is a product of Google), LinkedIn, and Quora.

I don’t recommend any of these three, but what you need to do is go to LinkedIn. You will have an option to write an article. Write a 500 to 1,000-word article. If you write 1,000 words, you will get traffic, but it should be human-written.

These high authority sites have specific requirements. They don’t want you to use AI content, even 1%. They don’t want you to copy. I want you to write it on your own.

At the end in the middle or the top of the intro, you can internall link it and embed an image. If you want to know more about this title, create an image using Canva (with a free account) and make an image. For that image, internal link it.

Make sure in the image you include ‘Click here to know more.’ When they click on the image, they go to your blog site. That’s how you get traffic from high authority sites.

When you get high traffic from high authority sites, it’s like internal backlinks, and Google understands that your article is genuine, which helps push it to the first page.

With that being said, I’ll make valuable content on blogging and SEO. If you’re new or a beginner and want more tips or guides, follow me, subscribe to me, and I’ll catch you on the next one!

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